White Sage Smudge Sticks

White Sage Smudge Sticks

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By popular demand, I've bundled the white sage smudge sticks.
Use these sticks of parts of it to cleanse yourself and/or your space by burning and smudging your body with the smoke - starting from head and moving down to your toes.
As you cleanse, say an affirmation that feels right to you. For example, I remove and release any negative energy and any energies in my energetic field that do not serve my highest good. Similarly, to cleanse your crystal bracelets, begin by smudging them with the smoke and saying an affirmation  either in your head or out loud. Just a pro tip: when using White Sage, windows should be open so that the smoke can be let out of your space  cleaning and purifying any unwanted energy.

*California White Sage sourced locally

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